In the 19th century china hadn’t got any information about what is happening outside its territory. According to their beliefs China was the only one civilization in the world and its emperor was the only one representative of the God on the earth.
Данъците в данъчната система обикновено се разграничават и обособяват на 2 основни групи – преки и косвени данъци. Имуществените данъци имат за предмет на облагане придобитото, респективно притежаваното имущество...
В зависимост от инвестиционните цели, състоянието на пазара и риска, който могат да поемат индивидуалните инвеститори могат да направят следните основни видове поръчки...
Environmental problems are very serious because they are closely related to them. In every country there are such types of problems and their governments try different methods to solve them...
Today’s children are far away from what we used to call ‘childhood’. Subtly the media, their parents and the ‘being-modern’’ tendency are putting an end to it and now children face up to reality of life before they can tell good from bad...